The Zack Snyder DC Cinematic Universe is the universe which all of the DC films written by Zack Snyder are based in and it is a reboot for The Keith Stone DC Cinematic Universe
Phase 1
- The Batman (2013)
- Superman: The Man of Steel (2013)
- Green Lantern (2014)
- Batman V. Superman (2015)
- The Flash (2016)
- The Batman 2: Cape Crusader (2016)
- Green Arrow (2016)
- Wonder Woman (2017)
- Justice League (2017)
Phase 2
- Constantine (2017)
- Aquaman (2018)
- The Flash 2 (2018)
- SHAZAM (2018)
- The Batman The Dark Knight (2019)
- Superman: Brainiac (2019)
- Wonder Woman 2: Psychotic (2019)
- The Batman In Wonderland (2020)
- Flashpoint (2020)
Phase 3
- Aquaman 2 (2021)
- Green Lantern 2 (2021)
- Justice League 2: Doom (2021)
- Green Arrow 2 (2022)
- Blue Beetle (2022)
- The Batman: Gotham Knight (2022)
- Batgirl (2023)
- Superman: Doomsday (2023)
Phase 4
- The Batman Rises (2023)
- Justice League 3: The Return of Superman (2023)
- Batgirl 2 (2024)
- Nightwing (2024)
- Green Arrow 3 (2024)
- Cyborg (2025)
- Suicide Squad (2025)
Phase 5
- Superman: The Last Daughter of Krypton (2025)
- Green Lantern 3 (2024)
- Constantine and Zatanna (2026)
- Teen Titans (2026)
- Birds Of Prey (2026)
- Suicide Squad 2 (2027)
- The Batman: A Death In The Family (2027)
- Deathstroke (2027)
- Teen Titans 2 (2028)